New web site launched

Welcome to me new web site – This is the site where I’ll be showcasing my two novels, The Guest Who Stayed & The Voice within. I’ll also be providing regular updates on the the sequel to The Guest Who Stayed which I hope to launch later in the year. I’ll be uploading some sample chapters and appreciating any feedback you might be able to provide.

The Guest Who Stayed continues to attract a large following on Wattpad with over 768,000 downloads. I’m delighted by feedback from readers which encourages me to continue writing. Here’s the latest from Wattpad.

“I have to go to work but I can’t seem to put this book down. Never have I ever read a story like this one. So realistic and captivating.”

“The guest who stayed is one of the most wonderful books that I have read…it is so different….I loved it.”

“ I’m only on page four and I’m already obsessed 🙂 “

I’m particularly struck by readers who want to know more about what happened to the characters beyond the main story. For example:

“I love your story but I have questions and I very much want those answers. First question. What happened to Polly?”

Well I really had to think about this one. Who on earth was Polly? Then I suddenly remembered – she’s Alice’s younger sister who was sent away to stay with an aunt when their alcoholic father becomes abusive. If readers are remembering this kind of detail I’m really going to have to pick up these story threads in the sequel and provide some answers.

The Voice Within is still the early days of promotion and looking for a voice amongst the huge amount of newly published material. If you haven’t read it, please have a look. I’d love to know what you think.

Finally, please leave your details on my contact list so that I can let you know about further developments.

Many Thanks

Roger Penfound