A Sacrifice that seeds a Dynasty.



I’m very happy to announce the launch of a prequel to the ‘Destiny’ trilogy. This novella, entitled ‘The Years In Between’ explores the origins of the settlement which became Frampton – the setting for the first book in this trilogy. In begins in the year 920 when England is under the fragile rule of Edward the Elder, son of Alfred the Great. Although Christianity is uniting the land, attacks by Viking raiders on the east coast are threatening the peace and opening the door for the return of pagan practices. What happens then lays the foundations for the epic saga that follows.

A boy is carried up a rock face to be sacrificed at sunset. Young Jed finds himself isolated and alone as he is hunted down in the forest. Eleven hundred years separate these events but both are intricately woven into the destiny of a family that has its roots in the small town of Frampton. Jed’s looks and manner set him apart from the rest of his family and hark back to the early days of Viking raids when Frampton was an exposed trading post on the banks of the river Fram.

As Jed grows older a chance meeting with a stranger living alone in the forest reveals explosive information about his birth that sets him on a course of action which will change his life and the lives of others for generations to come.’

To read The Years In Between, please click on the link below to download as an e’ book.


To find out more about the ‘Destiny’ trilogy, please visit
